Boosting fleet efficiency with a first-of-its-kind, datadriven support centre

Vehicle downtime can seriously impact commercial vehicle fleet operations and lead to costly disruptions. Recognizing this challenge, a leading, global light commercial vehicle manufacturer came up with a ground breaking solution-the "uptime center"-which would maximize vehicle uptime and provide valuable data insights capable of enhancing operational efficiency and the overall customer experience.

The uptime center is essentially a live metrics dashboard capable of providing insight into commercial vehicle uptime and data is displayed across a 10-meter power wall. Once live, the uptime center could enable the OEM to offer dedicated, data-driven technical support to its commercial vehicle owners. As such, it needed to carefully manage and collect data from a vast range of sources and owners to ensure its success.

First-of-its-kind project for an OEM
As a unique, first-of-its-kind project, developing the uptime center involved stakeholders from many different departments at the OEM, each with differing requirements and visions for how data should be displayed, and which metrics should be included. It was critical that each stakeholder's ideas were carefully considered and that the chosen data was visualised in such a way that would have the biggest impact on operations.

Three steps to success
To realize the client's vision, we adopted a three-phase approach. Firstly, we meticulously validated the initial inputs by conducting user interviews and analyzing targets and requirements. This process ensured that the most powerful metrics were included in the design. Secondly, we refined the metrics selection and overall layout of the power wall through comprehensive user feedback sessions and workshops. Lastly, we seamlessly connected real-time data sources to the metrics, established a standardized data scheme, and developed the power wall using Qlik Sense.

Improving operational efficiency
Together, we successfully implemented the world's first uptime center.Today, this cutting-edge facility operates at full capacity, delivering invaluable metrics and insights to maximize the uptime of our client's light commercial vehicle customers. Equipped with an understanding of how to manage PIl and using data extracted from vehicle modems, the client can now benefit from a live view of all light commercial vehicles, whether they're on the road, off the road, and whether a service is due or overdue.

With real-time visibility into their entire fleet-whether on the road, off the road, or due for service-the client can proactively manage their vehicles, significantly improving operational efficiency.

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"QR_ really helped us get clarity around our complex requirements and helped us put a framework in place, so everyone knows exactly what we're talking about and how that fits into the big picture."

Uptime Centre Manager